photoshop fundamentals

Adobe Bridge and Photoshop are very capable software packages but have a lot of options often doing similar things which can make it daunting to work out what to do. In fact Bridge is a very powerful and simple tool and may do all the things you want.

My philosophy as a photographer is to spend as much time as possible taking pictures and be as efficient as I can when processing the images to get the best results with a minimal amount of screen time.  Im a photographer not a computer operator after all!

The secret to this is having a workflow that takes your from camera to printer and is easy to understand especially when you can be faced with 100s of images and are not sure where to start.

This Adobe Bridge and Photoshop Class teaches a simple but powerful workflow that helps you go from camera to publishing your final in the least number of steps possible.  I use simple steps, clear instructions and you get a clearly documented PDF with annotated screenshots to make it easy to repeat.

Run as a face to face or Zoom session with a limited number of participants I can answer your questions and focus on what you want to know.

2 hour Live or Zoom Session $100

Run as a face to face or Zoom session with limited numbers of people and time for questions and clarifications

The groups are small so design your own course

I keep it simple - I don’t use Layers!

Subjects we cover include:

  • Making changes in Adobe Bridge - where to begin and when to move on

  • Importing images from your camera into Photoshop 

  • Saving as PNG, JPEG, TIFF - what and when and how

  • Is the Image ok - checking focus, exposure and white balance

  • Adjusting contrast - Levels, Curves and Shadows/Highlights

  • Adjusting colour - Saturation and Vibrance

  • Making it pop - Sharpening, Clarity and Texture and noise removal

  • Selecting areas to work on - Lasso and MArquee

  • Removing dust spots and things you don’t want - Clone, Patch and Heal

  • Cropping and Vignetting and Camera Profiles

  • Adding a signature

  • Getting your image print ready

  • Saving and exporting your image as a JPEG

Maximum of 3

Workflow to take away as clearly annotated screenshots and descriptions

Course Dates:
Please get in touch if you would like to take part

Ian talked to me about framing the shot, how to ensure that the eye is pulled to the focus of the shot, how to ensure the exposure was right when there was a lot of contrast in bright conditions and much more. He told me about changing exposure lengths for different effects and other simple suggestions that I think have hugely improved the pictures I take. Ian’s explanations were very simple and clear. He is an excellent and very knowledgeable photographer he gave me simple and straightforward advice which I found really helpful
— Nick, UK