forest estate
1 DAY / $225
Subjects covered:
Personalised tour by owner of the estate and ecological expert
Hand held and tripod work
Composition and depth of field management
Day and night photography
Flash photography
Editing and processing of images
Maximum of 2
Transport to all sites
Use of additional camera equipment if required
Course Dates:
Please get in touch if you would like to take part
The Mahakirau Forest Estate comprises almost 600 hectares of native forest divided into 24 private properties with introduced animal and plant controls. Each site is covenanted with the QEII National Trust who have described Mahakirau as “outstanding for its ecology and wildlife value.
Mahakirau is also rated as a ‘Key Ecological Site’ by Environment Waikato who described the estate as holding “outstanding wildlife value”, including the extremely rare Coromandel striped gecko, Hochstetter’s and Archey’s frogs, North Island kaka and North Island brown kiwi, alongside significant indigenous vegetation. Helms butterflies, painted cave weta, longfin eel and kokopu have also all been found in the estate.
We are very fortunate to be able to offer Mahakirau Forest Estate as a photographic location. It provides an amazing opportunity to learn about and photograph some of New Zealands rarest flora and fauna in a site of outstanding ecological value.
As well as the opportunity to photograph in such an incredible location, you will also be provided with a guided tour by the owner of the estate and expert in the local fauna and flora who will accompany us on the workshop.
“I have been on two of Ian’s workshops and both have been brilliant! Two different themes behind them both and I walked away with so much more knowledge and understanding of how to correct my images... Can’t thank you enough Ian. Your calm way of teaching and explanation of how things work is completely easy to understand. Look forward to another workshop soon”