Coromandel Sunset 2.jpg




Ever wondered how other people manage to get such amazing pictures using the same camera as you when you cant?  Feel inspired by the wonderful places around you but feel intimidated by your camera?  Don’t worry – that’s where everyone starts. 

This introductory workshop takes you through the basics of how a camera works and the creative side of how to capture a beautiful image.  It’s practical, hands on and all done outdoors with time to practice.

Cameras are impressive and potentially daunting pieces of technology but there are surprisingly few controls and settings that you need to use.

The groups is small so there is time for everyone to learn.  We start early to capture the best of the light and, by the end of the day, you will feel more confident heading out on your own to explore your creative side.

1 DAY / $250

Subjects covered:
Camera appreciation - what are the key things you need to know
Use of other equipment, eg tripods, remote controls, filters
Which lens to use and how to use it
Choosing what to photograph and how to capture the scene
Seascapes and low light ‘Golden Hour’ photography

Transport to all sites
Use of additional camera equipment if required

Maximum of 3

Course Dates:
Please get in touch if you would like to take part

Camera equipment is available if required

After spending just a few short hours with Ian I got some great tips on how to use my camera. Ian’s guidance on how to plan a shot with timing and light resulted in the most amazing panoramic shots of Mt Ruapehu and Ngaruruhoe. I’m really looking forward to future workshops
— Janine, Wellington