Welcome to my website. I live in the Coromandel Peninsula where I run workshops as well as in Great Barrier Island, Tiritiri Matangi and Ohiwa-Ohope in New Zealand. I also run regular exhibitions of my work and sell prints directly and through selected galleries.

Please click on the links below to find out more.

“Of the (several) photography courses I’ve done, working with you was by far the most helpful and productive. I am very grateful to you for making the effort to familiarise yourself with then teach me about my rather different camera. That was an absolute treat! I so appreciate that you asked what I hoped to learn and then delivered on that.

Building on that, the whole experience was sublime! I thoroughly appreciate your dedication to ensuring I have more confidence, solid information to support that - and the number of sites and variety of landscape shots we worked on was tremendous. I’m now ready for the next adventure” Linda Auckland 2020